Our Gold Coast physios at Burleigh Heads, have been performing pre-employment screening for various Gold Coast recruitment companies, since 2007. Our assessments screen the ability for an individual to perform the physical demands of their job; ultimately reducing workplace injuries and lost time. We perform musculoskeletal and cardiovascular screening, and this can be used to help the employer work out the risk of injury for any prospective employee. Strength assessments will also be included to ensure the individual has the physical capability to work. The screening process also enables us to educate the client regarding any risk factors that they have, and how to try and correct these deficits themselves.

Benefits of Pre-Employment screening to the employer include:

  • Identification of risk factors to injury that an individual may possess prior to commencing employment.
  • Confirmation that the individual has adequate strength to complete job requirements, ensuring functional competence for work tasks resulting in less injuries.
  • Provides a base record of pre-employment capacity affording some protection against false claims of injury
  • Helps to identify when a subsequent injury has recovered (i.e. return to pre-injury state)

Pre-employment screening in conjunction with the implementation of education sessions or other activities may also be useful in

  • Reducing lost time injuries
  • Reducing insurance premiums
  • Reducing WorkCover claims

If your Gold Coast business is interested in screening prospective employees, contact our admin team at admin@burleighphysio.com.au, or call us on 07 5535 5218.

Our Pre-employment Screening Gurus

Dan Turner

Director & Principal Physiotherapist

Luke Skillington


This service is available at the following locations

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