This month, the team has delved into the symptoms and management of long Covid. Many of us will have had Covid 19 and research shows that majority will have at least one symptom that seems to linger, even months later. These may include:
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath or cough
- Muscle or joint aches and pains
- Reduced balance
- Chest pain/palpitations
- Low mood, brain fog, difficulty with focus and attention
- Or many others (Raveedra et al, 2021)
As per the medial guidelines for rehabilitation post Covid 19, physiotherapy and exercise physiology can help safely improve your physical recovery and symptoms (RACG, 2022).
Raveendran, A. V., Jayadevan, R., & Sashidharan, S. (2021). Long COVID: An overview. Diabetes & metabolic syndrome, 15(3), 869–875.
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. (2022). Patient Resource: Managingpost-COVID-19 symptoms.